Training Night
Training season will start the last week in April or first week of May depending on the weather and run into September.
Training will be Thurdays starting at 5ish. At sometime Thursday the the training group will receive a text stating which field will be used for training.
Members, friends and family can attend training.
Dogs and handlers of all ages and experience are welcome.
The training group will have wingers, blinds, poppers and training ducks. You will want to bring whatever you would normally use while training. Everyone pitches in and helps set up and run the equipment.
What type of help you get during training depends on what you are looking for. Feel free to grab a member and ask questions.
Have fun and enjoy your time with the group and your dog.
We are using the Minnesota Iron Range Retriever Club grounds. You will find their guideline for the grounds use by using the link below.
Arrowhead Hunting Retriever Club (AHRC) keeps the membership dues low because we do require dual membership with Minnesota Iron Range Retriever Club ( MIRRC) who own or mange the training fields and clubhouse.
Be respectful of the property and equipment. Feel free to ask questions.
Gun safety - While we will only be using primer loads during training, we expect that you adhere to safe gun handling practices.
Keep your dog under control at all times. This means if your dog is not running the training set up it should be on a leash or in a kennel. Nothing upsets folks more than a dog fight or a dog interfering with another dog's training.
Help with set up, tear down and running of equipment during training.
Be ready when it's your turn. Everyone wants to run their dog during several set ups. It is important to be as efficient as possible. Try to keep things moving along.
Listen to the club members running the training day. They have you and your dog's best interest in mind. A lot of them have trained and judged dogs for years. They know what they are talking about (or think they do!)
Remember we are here to have fun and learn.